Year 6

Welcome to Y6!

Your teachers in Year 6 are Mr Hargreaves and Mr Crookes, supported by Mrs Chaplin.


Y6 is a very special year. Not only is it your last year at Shooters Grove, it is also one of the most important for a number of reasons:

  • You are role models for the rest of the school and are expected to set a good example to other children
  • You may get the opportunity to become a monitor or take on other important jobs around the school
  • Standard Tests – there’s no avoiding them, but if you work hard all year and are well prepared then there’s nothing to be afraid of!


It is hard work but it can be lots of fun too. You’ll find that the more you put into it, the more you get out. When adults look back on their school life, their final year at primary school often tends to be something that they remember. Y6 experiences are often the most memorable. 


We look forward to teaching you,

Some of last year’s Y6 children said the following…

"It's good being the oldest in the school but you can't boss everyone around!"

"SATs can be difficult but if you work hard you will succeed."

"When you go into groups for English and Maths it's good because you get to know all of the Year 6 teachers"

"It is fun being a monitor because you get lots of privileges but you also have to do lots of jobs."


Our Learning


We study a number of different types of text – some you will have seen before, others will be new. We know that you will already be able to read and write but we aim to make you quicker and more confident in a variety of situations. You will get the chance to write letters as a WW2 evacuee, write a news article about an air raid and have a go at writing a story about a mountain adventure. Are you ready to amaze us with your adventurous vocabulary?


Lots of things that you will do in maths in Y6 will be familiar. For example, shape, graphs, word problems, fractions and calculations of all kinds. However, some topics that we will cover, such as algebra, will be new. Many children enjoy maths. They like the challenge of tackling harder and harder questions and using the new skills they have mastered. 

Mental skills are still very important in Y6. Quick addition and subtraction skills are vital. Also, if you don’t know your multiplication tables now, it would be a great idea to learn them before you arrive!


During the year we will cover a number of topics. These include: 

  • Light
  • Electricity
  • Living things & their habitat
  • Animals including humans
  • Evolution & inheritance

You will also need to remember everything you have done in previous years!


We complete a variety of topics in Y6 including programming with Scratch, writing a Wiki page and using spreadsheets.


We will increase your knowledge about world religions. This should give you a better understanding of what people believe and help you to get along with others.


In Spanish the emphasis is on speaking & listening but we do have to start writing sentences in Spanish too! Some of the topics we will cover are: Where do you live? What’s the time? Enjoy your meal!, Leisure activities.

Other subjects

In this very busy year we will be studying three major themes:

  • Keep Calm and Carry On - How Did World War II Affect Britain?
  • Mesoamerica - How did the mighty fall?
  • Extreme Environments -Could you live to the extreme?

 Most of our science, D&T, history, geography, art and music will be based around these themes.

 Additionally we will be doing many interesting and challenging activities in PSHE and P.E.



Spellings are given out on a Friday and tested the following Friday. We give you at least 3 opportunities a week in school to practise them but you’ll do much better if you practise them at home too.

Make sure your mental maths is up to speed by spending a few minutes at home each week practising. Ask someone at home to test you.

You should spend 10 minutes a day reading your book - don't forget to fill in your Contact Book to work towards the Reading Challenge. 

As the year progresses we do expect you to do more work at home – but we will give you some choice. However, as SATs approach, we give out revision books and let you know which pages to revise each week.

Your parents can contact us by visiting or phoning the school if they wish to speak to us. They can also meet us at parents’ evening to find out how you’ve been getting on and what you can achieve.


Y6 Jobs

As you may know, the Y6 children get to do jobs around the school. In order to be chosen to do a job you need to prove you are reliable, responsible and well behaved. Some of the jobs the Y6 children do include:

  • Organising the milk & sending the appropriate number of cartons of milk to the classes
  • Operating the laptop and projector in the hall for assembly
  • Operating the CD player for assembly
  • Setting out the chairs for assembly
  • Collecting the team points
  • Energy Monitors

Are you ready for the responsibility?


Curriculum Information for Parents

Please see the following documents for information about the curriculum taught in each theme, special events and how you can help at home.



Theme Overviews


European Knowledge Organiser.pdf .pdf
WW2 Knowledge Organiser.pdf .pdf
Ancient Maya Knowledge Organiser.pdf .pdf
The Americas Knowledge Organiser.pdf .pdf
Mountains and Disasters Knowledge Organiser.pdf .pdf

Homework Menus


Home Learning Challenge Theme 1.pdf .pdf
Home Learning Challenge 2 The Mighty Mesos.pdf .pdf
Home Learning Challange 3 Extreme Environments.pdf .pdf