

 Please click here to access the subject policy for English.


Please click here to access the Phonics Reading Progression document. 


At Shooters Grove, we have developed an inclusive English curriculum with the intent that every child becomes a fluent, confident reader and an articulate, imaginative writer, developing a life-long love of language through reading and writing. Our children are given opportunities to engage with a range of genres, developing their full understanding of a range of fiction and non-fiction texts, wherever possible linking to other curriculum areas. We encourage children to have a strong belief in their own ability and to strive to achieve their full potential.

We understand that secure and confident use of English is essential to all areas of the national curriculum and so at Shooters Grove we have created a curriculum which values this importance. We strive to create opportunities for children to read and write for real-life purposes, so that children understand the application of language both within school and in the wider world.

As well as daily English lessons, children also enjoy phonics lessons, class reading, guided reading, shared and individual reading sessions, along with spelling and handwriting lessons. Class novels are shared in every class to foster a love of reading and to broaden vocabulary, allowing children to access a range of texts and genres. We strive to provide a vocabulary rich learning environment, so that through speaking and listening, and reading and writing, children broaden their vocabulary, and both extend their knowledge and apply familiar vocabulary to new contexts.

Children begin in EYFS developing a love of language through story, games, speaking and listening and phonics activities. In KS1 we emphasise the teaching of phonics so that our children become fluent readers with the skills to tackle age-appropriate texts, and the ability to apply their phonics knowledge to their writing. In KS2 we deliver class reading lessons to ensure that children’s comprehension skills match their fluency. We study a range of texts, and through modelling, studying examples, editing, drafting and collaborating, children are able to write in a range of genres. In addition, all of our English work is reinforced, as appropriate through the wider curriculum.